Looking for some friends who are active in weight training and have dealt with having to lose weight as well. right now im 220 lbs and need to get rid of alot of belly, want to start weight training as well and need help with diet and exercising routines.
Hey everyone, my name is Matt im new here and just starting to excercise and working on cutting out alot of the unhealthy food i eat. I am a 30 year old father of 3 youngest is 2 and oldest is 11. I weigh about 222 lbs and my goal is to get down to 180 and work on having a nice tone body. I started working out about week…
im putting in everything im eating and i seem to be shy on the calories (today at least) im trying to run about 1 hour a day so after my next treadmill adventure ill be even more under my daily totals...even having a few beers in there. question is..does it mater?. i dont want to get deficient from not eating enough but i…