I heard somewhere to strengthen your lower back, you need to strengthen your abs as well. I guess the knock out combo of my rather large and round butt with how weak my lower back is doing correct abdominal crunch are near in possible. I do 5 and I'm dizzy, nausea, and on the verge of vomiting... I've started doing them on…
@)) Any one have any suggestions?
Forgive me if this was posted before... If you can't tell my my giant Hello Kitty bow, I'm pretty nerdy. I also love video games! I've been using Wii Fit, Wii Fit Plus, and Just Dance to go with my work out DVD's for my cardio work out since I can hide in my Batcave and not have to go out side/to a gym where people can see…
I'm new here, surprise! Haha. Just thought I would come in here and introduce myself! My name is Stacey and I'm 25. Um... I'm pretty goofy and think I'm pretty funny. I've been heavy all my life and its finally gotten to a point where my body is telling me, "Lose it, or you lose us." so I'm trying my best to make this…