Any new mommies out there?? I had a baby last summer and the breastfeeding is just not keeping me skinny anymore. :sad:
I took some time off to have a baby now Im back at it!! I need to shed 15lbs....Time to count some calories!!
I must ask.....Anyone else reading this book?????
Im does a pickle have no calories but a cucumber does??
What is BUMP????
I didnt want to turn this into a facebook....but what the hell we all want people to support us right???
So I said screw it this weekend and didnt count calories. My kids had 6 baseball games this weekend and I cant lie I hit up the snack shack for some tastey nachos. UUUUUGH SOOOO mad at myself. But the worse part about it is that Im starving now bc I let myself eat aweful all weekend. Anyone else ever cheat on the…
What's for dinner? I am out of ideas BUT I only have 500 calories left for the day. HELP!!! :tongue:
What's for lunch?? Im having tuna fish with light mayo on a wheat bun and carrots!!
I need some help. My entire life all I have ever eaten is carbs. Breakfast...granola bar....lunch Lean Cuisine or sandwich with baked chips...dinner= carbs. I know I can eat salads but I need more than that. IDEAS????
I am aweful @ selecting good meals so I opt for the easy way out and get Lien Cuisines. I like seeing the EXACT calorie count. Is this hurting me in the long run??