Hypothyroidism and Weight Management I wrote this to address misinformation/disinformation regarding what hypothyroidism is and what it is not. What is important and what is not. Be wary folks as there are a disturbing number of charlatans looking to make a profit without offering any meaningful benefit. I had a total…
As part of a separate topic discussing why marketers often mislead (whether purposefully or not) clients to focus on "shocking the system" and on the wrong solutions. As a core philosophy behind weight management - one eats within budget to ensure their weight is maintained over time. A sacrifice of one's present wants for…
Putting this out there: http://www.eodwarriorfoundation.org/events/events/view/257 Great cause honoring a fallen warrior - great friend & teammate. Come out and run with some remarkable people!
Much of what is posted here is focusing on the problems we have with achieving our weight and fitness goals, but a thread started by @STLBADGIRL: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10538818/should-your-s-o-spouse-have-a-say-so-if-they-feel-you-are-too-thin-or-too-large/p1 This got me thinking: What do we do to…
One of the finest articles I have found explaining the shift in treatment of thyroid disorders. https://drmalcolmkendrick.org/2015/05/01/treating-thyroid-patients-like-children/ I have been a great admirer of Dr. Kendrick and especially love the reverence to the late and great Dr. Gordon Skinner.
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-break-bad-habitfor-good-dr-travis-bradberry?trk=hp-feed-article-title-share Every week I introduce an article to my team on personal and professional development and have become a fan of Dr. Travis Bradberry. Much of his advice can be applied to anything in life. This one is very…
I just started getting back in shape about 1 month ago after agreeing to take on Den Leader as my son is entering cub scouts this year and I need to set a good example. I had a total thyroidectomy 14 years ago and changed occupations from a high level of activity to driving a desk and lacked the motivation to workout. Wife…