Post By-pass Surgery Eating and Drinking
Well, I'm 7 weeks out from my surgery and am having trouble getting my 1,000 calories a day and 8 cups of fluids, not to mention the 90+ g of protein. I'm managing to keep my carbs below 100g and fat below 20g, but my protein has only been around 70-80g even with the whey shakes and occassional protein bars. Calories are…
Still Going
Well, I'm finally back after the roux-en-y gastric bypass surgery recovery period (6 weeks). No reason to enter my food diary when the first 2 weeks were protein shakes and clear liquids only. I then moved to pureed foods for 3 weeks....hard to measure amounts when everything is mush! So I'm finally on solid food and…
Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
I don't think I've posted anything in a long time, but I just wanted to say that after 6 months of waiting and prep, and 4 months on a specified high protein meal plan (I've lost 80 lbs. since May 1st!)..........tomorrow is my surgery and I'm so excited to start this life-changing process!!!:happy: I've still got 100-120…
First Day of my New Life
Today, May 1, 2011, is the beginning of a new life for me...much overdue! This site will greatly help me in my pre and post gastric bypass surgery.