Post your Character Name on the FitRPG here so we can add each other, etc. :happy:
Post here when you level up so we can celebrate, be envious, be inspired, and get motivated!
Hey all! There's a FitRPG group on too - Since I log my calories here, I'm way more active on this site, but the group is cool because it has a leaderboard which is a bit more detailed than the one on the FitRPG app. I'm finding it very motivating. There are…
Post here if you have any tips or tricks you'd like to share with us or if you have any questions for other users. I'll start - got a few questions that I wonder if any of you know the answer to: 1.) Does the game equalize levels so that a lower level character might have a chance to win a battle against a higher level?…
Hi! I'm just starting out in MMA. I've been doing powerlifting. What are your thoughts on continuing powerlifting while training MMA? Good/bad idea? Do they compliment each other or detract from one another?
Planning on using this site to track calories to help me get into fighting shape! I'm not much of a fighter yet in the pugilistic sense, but I hope to change that. Not for any aggressive/angry reasons, I just think it's a fun sport and a great way to get/keep in shape and blow off steam.