I had this old retro pair of flared jeans, I loved those jeans so much and refused to part with them. They held so much memories of good times and events, to cast them away would for me be criminal. Something today reminded me of them so I went and dug them out. I deep breath and a gulp, I was going to try them on. Last…
Hi all, I was just wondering how often you weighed yourselves? I used to do it daily at around the same time if i could but it would fluctuate up and down. I don't think that was a good idea because of the bodies natural digestion process which can alter based on what's been consumed. I now do it once a week, same day /…
If you need a bit of extra motivation if you going on a run or long cycle ride then try listening to the soundtrack to Rocky on your mp3 player. Everytime I do, I always push just that little harder and it makes me feel much better afterwards. I have a place where I cycle around a lake and one circuit is 5 miles. I…
14.5st down to 12st mainly by watching the amount I eat not what I eat. It took a year but i was strict with myself. Tended to have a blow out day each week, pizza, red wine etc (still got to live a little) This combined with mainly cycling and free weights. Started a new fitnesspal profile to clear a load of clutter and…
Hi All, I've been doing myfitnesspal for a year now and I went from 14.5st down to 12st. I'm really happy about achieving this. I've started off a new account today to clear off some of the database clutter and I've set myself a new goal of 11.5st. Here goes..... P.S. This tool has really helped me keep track of things, it…