How long was your recovery? Did it ever come back? Did you have to maintain some kind of specific hip exercise and stretching regimen to prevent it from returning. I'm in PT now for mine. I can finally do light squats (dumbell or kettlebell). It was just aggravating to have this happen after making such great progress on…
I read this a lot - that beginning lifters get PR's all the time because of the "newbie" gains. And then it tapers off. From that point on, it seems if you're making gains, they're "real" strength gains - as in adding muscle mass. But I never hear anyone give a timeline for this phenomenon. Is it 3 years? 5 years of…
I've been cutting since beginning of March. From March to May 18th I lost 14 lbs. Beginning of June I read about how creatine can help on a cut (muscles retain water, gain volume, you can lift more, hence help with maintaining the lean muscle mass). I've been lifting for almost two years, so I felt like it was a pretty…
I'm sure this might have been posted before, or people have seen it elsewhere. I just saw it for the first time this week. This guy started lifting at 44. He's 70 now. I started lifting at 41. Truly an inspiration.
Something I do on a regular basis is try and put my last weight-loss weigh-in into my hands. This past check-in, I lost just over 3 lbs. That number sounds small when it is only a number on a screen... However... Go find three bottles of water, anything close to 16 oz (a pound each). Put those in your hands and feel the…