Protein shakes
I am trying to lose . If I drink a protein shake in the mornings will I gain or will it help me lose. Carnation breakfast drink with a banana ,sometimes strewberriers and chachea seeds and 2% milk.
Maureen somerset, ohio
First time here and starting over. Need friends please.
Somerset, Ohio
Maureen here.. looking for someone to help me on my goal to lose weight in my area .. only if your really want to lose . I walk every morning at the park before heading to work . 615 am . if you want to join me come on down. would love the company..
Cardio Drumming
I go to a Cardio Drumming class 3 times a week an hour long . I love it . I have sore knees and a hip that hurts all the time . but when I am done I feel so much better . we do 30 min of drumming on the exercise balls and then we do floor exercise and then back on the balls for some fun bouncing with the music . Everything…