MSVanscoy Member


  • Lauren I drink Breakfast Carnation drink with banana and Chia seeds in it . shake with ice .. it keeps me full 4 hours .
  • I am a Curves member and I love it . 10 lbs in 2 months isn't bad . Now I read that I can do more then 2 laps? Is that for real? No one told me that at my site . well 3 laps here I come.. then I will work up to 4 laps . Logging food as come to a stop for me . but getting back into it today . I don't really know why I…
  • its under the cardio part . I go to curves to . its there . . Friend me if you like
  • I am a curves member and I love it . 3 months now. I have lost 10 lbs .. I know that is not a lot to some of you but to me its hard to lose and this keeps me going . I go 4 times a week and I love it . I am trying to find others that are going so we can log together . so please if your a CURVES person please friend me . I…
    in Curves? Comment by MSVanscoy July 2016
  • Thank you
  • Yes walking is all I do right now . Over 200 lbs and need to lose. So I will stay away from them. doc wants me to lose 10 lbs by feb. Not real sure how I'm going to do that but I will. I am boarder line diabetic. Do not want to become one and I guess mine can be controlled by weight lose. If you have any input on any off…
  • Thank you. I rush out in the morning and thinking protein shake in the mornings. Drink on the way into work. Do my 20 min walk and I'm done. Do shakes are ok just watch what kind they are?
  • Please add me . Need support bad. 60 in March and need to lose.
  • Please add me . Thanks
  • The one here in Somerset, Ohio Is wonderful 3 times a week and hour long . for $20 for the whole month . you really cant beat that deal.
  • my daughter wrote me a letter . Telling me the ups and downs she is having in life . and she wrote something that I really didn't think about. .You look at a glass of water .. Some people would say the glass is half full and some will say it is half empty.. She says . Finish it off and fell it back up and start all over…