Protein shakes

I am trying to lose . If I drink a protein shake in the mornings will I gain or will it help me lose. Carnation breakfast drink with a banana ,sometimes strewberriers and chachea seeds and 2% milk.


  • BunnyBomb
    BunnyBomb Posts: 143 Member
    edited December 2015
    Be very careful with protein shakes made with animal protein powders.

    I used those for a year back in 2012 and it's the reason my body triggered my dormant inflammatory arthritis condition. I'm now registered disabled. Since then life has been such a struggle, I really wish I'd never touched those things... it's just processed poison if you ask me. If I could wind back the clock, my god I would do it in an instant. That said, I don't want to scare people! Not everyone has a dormant gene waiting to trigger rheumatoid arthritis, so most people are fine with them... just don't be complacent about choosing a plant based protein powder instead.

    The worlds strongest man is Vegan afterall! So there's something to be said for plant protein!

    I like using Hemp powder in my smoothies, along with banana, cacao powder, porridge oats, some frozen berries, and chai seeds. I tend to drink one directly after my workout if I feel I need a topup for that day, because I figure that's when my muscles need the nutrients.

  • MSVanscoy
    MSVanscoy Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you. I rush out in the morning and thinking protein shake in the mornings. Drink on the way into work. Do my 20 min walk and I'm done. Do shakes are ok just watch what kind they are?
  • BunnyBomb
    BunnyBomb Posts: 143 Member
    edited December 2015
    That sounds perfectly fine - you're taking the shake very close to your workout, so that sounds ideal to me.

    Are you taking protein shakes because your daily diet doesn't give you enough protein? If you are entering your food into MFP you should be able to tell whether you're coming up short. I ask because if it's only 'walking' that you're doing then you shouldn't need to supplement your diet with a protein shake at all really, your natural diet should have enough protein in it to feed your muscles for that. I suppose if you are replacing a meal (i.e. breakfast) that's probably fine.

    I would personally only consider a protein shake as 'additional' to a meal if there is a 'heavier' workout in your day than walking (i.e. one that would perhaps leave you with an exercise hangover / sore muscles if you didn't feed them enough extra protein).

    Otherwise yeah, I would watch what kind of protein are in the shakes themselves, staying away from whey protein... but that's a personal preference based on my own particular horror story, as I said above.
  • MSVanscoy
    MSVanscoy Posts: 15 Member
    Yes walking is all I do right now . Over 200 lbs and need to lose. So I will stay away from them. doc wants me to lose 10 lbs by feb. Not real sure how I'm going to do that but I will. I am boarder line diabetic. Do not want to become one and I guess mine can be controlled by weight lose. If you have any input on any off that I will take it. And thank you
  • daremightythings
    daremightythings Posts: 247 Member
    A protein shake is literally just food in powder form. Nothing about it will make you gain or lose weight by itself. If a drink is easier for you in the morning, by all means make a shake! Just pay attention to the nutrients and make sure it fits into your calories for the day. Stay close to your calorie goal and you will lose weight no matter what you eat, as long as you are weighing solid food and measuring liquids accurately.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    MSVanscoy wrote: »
    I am trying to lose . If I drink a protein shake in the mornings will I gain or will it help me lose. Carnation breakfast drink with a banana ,sometimes strewberriers and chachea seeds and 2% milk.

    shakes have nothing to do with weight loss.

    what you need is a calorie deficit, so if you drink a shake and it helps you to get into a calorie deficit then you will lose weight. I would rather eat actual food as opposed to shakes, and IMO it would be more sustainable if you eat in a deficit and not use the shakes.

    I would also suggest getting a food scale to weigh all solids and make sure that you are using correct MFP database entries.
  • MSVanscoy
    MSVanscoy Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you
  • computer4
    computer4 Posts: 5 Member
    I don't know if this is the correct thread to post on but I figure that you all will let me know. -Does anyone use protein whey powder?
  • trina1049
    trina1049 Posts: 593 Member
    Hi, just wanted to add that the Carnation products are usually high in carbs, low in protein and if you're adding bananas, etc. that's a lot of carbs, especially if you're pre-diabetic. You might want to look for a higher protein whey product that's lower in carbs. Mix with berries rather than high carb fruits.

    A protein drink is fine to head out with in the morning, but use drinks/shakes as supplements to a real food diet rather than a replacement. As long as you stay in a calorie deficit you will lose weight but the drinks/shakes in and of themselves will not make you lose weight; they may help you to create a calorie deficit which is all you need to lose weight.
  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    I agree that actually eating food tends to be more satisfying, but I drink protein shakes on my gym mornings because they're a quick grab and go thing. As was already said though, as long as what you're consuming keeps you in a deficit you'll lose weight.

    What I really wanted to comment on was the carnation shakes and how much sugar they contain. I don't know the amount but my guess is it's on the higher side, and if that's something you should be watching you may want to buy a powder that contains less. Just a thought if sugar is an issue.....
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    I would stay away from carnation. But I hear you: I work seven mornings a week & a protein smoothie is nice for variety on a rushed morning.
    I use Vega One chocolate flavor with a frozen banana, Greek yogurt, a handful of mixed baby greens, ice cubes & a little extra unsweetened cocoa powder to cut the stevia flavor. Nom nom nom. It is a treat, not a consolation prize, and I love it!
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    19 grams of SUGAR in Carnation protein shake. ONLY 5 grams of protein?
    How can they get away with selling this? My protein powder only has 3 grams of sugar.