distorted body image
At 175 lbs... when I looked in the mirror I saw fat and longed to be 140lbs cuz THEN I would be happy with my body At 140lbs... when I look in the mirror I see fat and wonder what it will take to like what I see I'm definitely happier with how my body feels. I'm eating well, I'm physically fit, I'm strong, my clothes fit…
Fitbit users... game
If any of you Fitbit people have the game FitRPG, please add me. My character name is LaLa. Also, feel free to add me here too. Need more friends.
2nd/3rd/4th opinions...
I'd love any feedback/suggestions about my program. Is there anything I could be doing better/different to more efficiently reach my goals? I'm 45. 142lb. 5'6". Approximately 25% body fat. Goals: 19% bf and to become as strong as possible. My program: M,W,F I lift for an hour with the help of a PT. Mostly doing squats,…
I get by with a little help from my friends...
(I also posted this under general diet cuz I wasn't sure where it fit better) I'd love any feedback/suggestions about my program. Is there anything I could be doing better/different to more efficiently reach my goals? I'm 45. 142lb. 5'6". Approximately 25% body fat. Goals: 19% bf and to become as strong as possible. My…
Advice... cuz I'm a detail person
I'd love any feedback/suggestions about my program. Is there anything I could be doing better/different to more efficiently reach my goals? I'm 45. 142lb. 5'6". Approximately 25% body fat. Goals: 19% bf and to become as strong as possible. My program: M,W,F I lift for an hour with the help of a PT. Mostly doing squats,…