I have found some really helpful videos on YouTube that show you how to do squats, sumo squats, deadlifts, etc. Even how to use a Smith Machine. They have trainer Michelle Trapp (who has AMAZING muscle tone, by the way) performing them and talking you through each step. As someone who was a little intimidated going into…
Really, I should say before and current, since I still have some progress to make. The photos on the left are from October 2010 at 156 lbs. The ones on the right are this month at 136 lbs. (I'm 5'4".) Not sure what my BF was at 156, but I'm currently around 23% or so. (Just bought calipers a few weeks ago...hope I'm using…
I came down with acute appendicitis on Saturday and had an appendectomy late Saturday night. I know I'm still in recovery, but I just feel awful. Still in pain, nauseous, and super bloated. My doctor said I was doing OK today, just need to get things moving inside again. Took magnesium citrate tonight, and that seems to be…