Appendectomy /Still feel like crap

I came down with acute appendicitis on Saturday and had an appendectomy late Saturday night. I know I'm still in recovery, but I just feel awful. Still in pain, nauseous, and super bloated. My doctor said I was doing OK today, just need to get things moving inside again. Took magnesium citrate tonight, and that seems to be doing the trick. (Yuck! But definitely getting things moving!)

It was a laparascopic surgery, so they pumped my belly full of gas. I look and feel huge. I know I shouldn't be worried about my weight right now, since I'm sure it's water, gas, etc, but I weigh 9.5 lbs more now than when I did before they weighed me for surgery. I've been so nauseous that I've barely eaten. But I have kept up on lots of water.

So, has anyone out there had their appendix out? How long before you felt normal again? How long before you started back into your routine? I've gone on short walks, but I'm sure it'll be a while before I go to Zumba, run or lift weights. Thanks for any encouragement you might have!!


  • lissavlog
    i had a laparascopic surgery in May to have my gallbladder removed. i felt bloated and achy for a week or two after that. i still had swelling for what seemed like about a month. i did go up a few pounds after surgery, but they fell off quickly. hope you get back to feeling normal soon!!!