I just posted my current weight loss photo on here. It is a photo from my heaviest, 258, and me now at 226. I still have a long road ahead, but I am working to get it off, slowly, but surely. I've always been big, but after a lifestyle of heavy drinking, child birth, divorce, and eating to try to control what I could not,…
Does anyone do Tae Bo anymore? It almost seems as if no one speaks of it anymore. I hear and see so much about P90X/Beachbody/Intensity and Zumba, but no one talks about Tae Bo like they did ten years ago. Just because it isn't the new hot thing, isn't it still a good workout?
I have to admit, the P90X program looks very intimidating to me and I'm not sure I can do it. I don't have much upper body strength. Doing push ups make my arms shake very badly. I've got around 60 pounds left to lose. I was just wondering if there were other women out there who have done the program and what were your…