Curious--Successes with P90X and 60+ pounds to lose

I have to admit, the P90X program looks very intimidating to me and I'm not sure I can do it. I don't have much upper body strength. Doing push ups make my arms shake very badly. I've got around 60 pounds left to lose. I was just wondering if there were other women out there who have done the program and what were your successes.


  • honeybee5517
    Hi! I do P90x. It is a strength training programing and you will tone up and lose weight on it. I have tried everything with success. I have had two kids. I didn't start P90x needing to lose too much weight, but I did and my overall appearance, the way I feel, everything is just better. I am clearly smaller and in a healthier way than I was before. If you are trepid about the program, do a month of working up to it and building muscle. I weaned myself into p90x by doing Blogliates workouts for about a month or so. The website is All the workouts from 10 to 20 minutes long. They really help to get you in gear. I hope this helps! Good luck!