Low Carbers- How many calories are you eating?
I'm on week two of low carb and I am trying to eat as little carbs as possible but I am getting a few in my almonds and such but my problem is my calorie intake is low... and I'm definitely not starving myself! I feel great and I'm eating when I feel hungry and I've lost a bit of weight but the food diary keeps telling me…
I've been completely MIA
This is the first time I have been on a computer since Tuesday or so... I've been inputting all food from my phone. Sunday night I started feeling really sick with a sore throat and head cold. I worked out Monday and Tuesday and my illness just got worse plus my body was aching so bad I didn't even have the strength and…
Tuesday 6/19
I switched back to Level 1 today :shame: I felt like I was doing more panting than working out in Level 2 so I am just not ready to move on to it yet. I think I will try again after another week of Level 1.
D8 L1- How are we all doing?
I walked at least 3 miles today, took an hour and 15 minutes with the baby on my back. I will Shred later this afternoon when my oldest goes to swim lessons. My weight went back up today so I am above my starting weight.... again. GRRRR
D7 L1: One week done!!!
Woohoo! One week done and over with!
D6 L1
No one started one for today? I've been super busy all day but I feel great!! My weight is back up to 201.5, wtheck! I swear I don't know why I'm losing inches but not weight. Anyways as soon as I get my crabby baby situated I will shred. Gotta hurry before the hubby gets home! I don't want him to see me working out LOL
Weighing less at night?
I've always heard to weigh in the morning because you will weigh the least then, something about center of gravity shift from lying down all night right? But I consistently weigh MORE in the mornings than I do at night? Any ideas on this?
D2 L1: How you feeling?
I am sore this morning but as I started moving and loosened up, I started hurting less. I'm sure it will set back in though. I ate two bananas this morning for the potassium LOL. I did not get to finish Circuit 3 today due to a crying baby and my mom showing up to visit. I was almost done with the strength portion of it…
Are you going to do it every day or less?
I read that you are supposed to work out 2 days then take a day off to recuperate. What are you planning to do? If I am super sore tomorrow then I may just take it off and only walk and then go back at it the next day...
How long did it take YOU to start seeing weight loss?
I know I am early in my weight loss journey. I am on day 5 and I started at 200 lbs (the scale went between 199.5 & 200). I know I am not supposed to monitor the scale but I REALLY want to see that something is happening. I went up to 204 lbs which I explained away as the extra water intake I was putting in and since then…
I will admit... I am SCARED to lose weight!! *possible TMI?
I have a bad history of losing weight = getting pregnant!! I have PCOS and so it seems that when I start losing weight it balances out my hormones and I ovulate and BAM! Pregnancy right when I'm starting to lose weight again! My first child was conceived sometime after I was first diagnosed with PCOS and my OB/GYN told me…