Join the Graffiti Griffins for a 5K color run on October 6th in Sauget, Illinois! Registration is currently 1/2 off with the code "stlouis50" (not sure when that runs out). Sign up with The Graffiti Griffins and…
The Fall Wellness Classes have been posted for the first half of the fall semester! All classes are 10$ for students and meet twice a week. Please post below if you intend to sign up for a class & are looking for work out buddies! Classes offered are: Boot Camp Fitness: -Mon & Wed 11:30am-12:15pm -Begins Aug 26th/Ends…
The US Green Building Council is hosting its 2nd Annual Sustainability Conference for free on September 10th. With the current semester theme of Sustainability, this would be an interesting event to attend! There should be interesting topics, including renewable energy and home aquaponics (a really easy way to grow plants…
Welcome to the Get Fit Griffins! This is a place for Fontbonne students (and anyone else interested in getting involved in awesome activities with awesome people!) to get connected to each other for physical activities, learning new things, and exploring life! The idea for this group was started by casual conversations…
I find that the mornings are the easiest for me to stay on track. Afternoons I find myself nibbling "just" a little'. By evening I'm usually in full blown "Eat The House" mode where I'll gorge for about an hour straight, then kinda have an after daze of "why did I do that". Knowing this, I also realize that evenings are…