How do you say NO to cake?
That's my problem. I see slices of cake, trays of cookies, brownies and ooh cake pops in front of me.. How do you say NO? I can't!! Does anybody have some helpful tips or ideas? I need help with my constant desire for sweets! Help? :)
Support requested :)
Hi everyone, thanks for reading this! I'm really looking to eat healthier, but my willpower is definetely lacking as is my knowledge of healthy eating. I need support from you guys! Help me out if you can :) Appreciating it in advance, Cara <3
Japanese restaurant healthy choices?
What are some healthy Japanese restaurant choices? Going out to dinner with my cousins and I was just wondering what some low-fat, low-cal dishes are?
Waking up the morning to excersize?
Does anybody do this? Has it showed any significant improvement in your weight loss? I'm not sure if I want to wake myself up at 6am and go run but maybe if it's worth it!... Feedback please (: