I’ve used this app off and on with nominal success. As long as I’m on, I seem to meet goals. However since a divorce, and having to close the store I owned, Ive been dealing with some serious depression. Comfort eating shot me up to 317 pounds, breathless climbs up stairs, and a general addition to depression. Well I’m…
Hey everyone. My name is Baron. I fell out of it for a bit and I'm trying really hard to get back in. I'm hitting Insanity right now, and I will hopefully be doing DDP's Yoga series very soon. When I can be sure I can sustain a gym membership I will be hitting the weights. I'm 5'6", 300# and need all the support I can get.
Hey. I'm Baron and I've just started getting into the rhythm of getting on here regularly. I've started out around 305, started on the site when I hit 300. Definitely inspired to lose weight when my wife told me she didn't find me attractive anymore. So I'm on it. And while I may not be doing it for just myself, I'm…