Wish me luck! I always give up within a week of starting a new exercise program. Any tips to keep going? I've got my "before" pictures taken and hope to see at least some difference after the first 30 days.
I had a bad day yesterday... I LITERALLY ate half a dozen doughnuts throughout the day. The way I avoid eating crap is to not BUY any crap... but my mother came to see the baby and brought leftover doughnuts from her meeting at work. (Ok, I can't blame my mom.. she didn't force me to eat them.) But today is a new day...…
Has anyone tried any juice fasting or detox diets to jump-start their weight loss efforts? Any thoughts or opinions? I swear I can feel the fast food grease flowing through my veins and I feel like I need a good cleanse!! lol
I had a beautiful baby boy 7 weeks ago today, and while he was TOTALLY worth the 50 pounds and 50,000(ish) stretch marks, I am so unhappy in this body. (I know I can't expect much 7 weeks postpartum, but I had that RIDICULOUS idea in my head that I would walk out of the hospital in my pre-maternity size. lol) I am 5'4" and…