Here's where I was in May 2009: weight over 430, high blood pressure, blood sugar between 150 and 200, a 64-66" waist, the beginnings of congestive heart failure. Here's where I am today: more than 100 lbs. lighter, normal BP, normal - or even below normal - blood sugar, a 54" waist, and perfect breathing. A doctor who was…
Hi all; Here's my situation: I weigh over 300 lbs. I need to create a daily exercise routine that I can do at home in 30 minutes or less before getting ready for work in the morning. Due to a permanent derangement of my right ankle, I'm not able to run and can only walk for short distances. Preferably, I should have no…
I calculated my BMR on here and did further research. I discovered that I should be taking in about 1800 - 1900 calories a day to correctly lose weight. I've also just started an exercise routine which should burn off about 390 additional calories every day - which will increase the amount of calories I'll need. My concern…
Hey everybody; I just joined yesterday and I'm starting to put stuff together on my profile. Nice to be here.