

  • Good advice, Tina. I've started to pay attention to the "Confirmations" number that pops up when you highlight one of the search results. If it's a zero, I start to get suspicious.
    in Watch it Comment by RJursik March 2010
  • I research insurance claims for a medical office. It's a very small office - I'm only one of six who work here - and there is a fridge and a microwave. Fortunately, most everyone else leaves for lunch so the fridge in usually filled with assorted staples like half & half or condiments, nothing that could really threaten a…
  • YES INDEED! Although I will say it's not all that different from the overeating around Thanksgiving, the HUGE overeating around Christmas, the boxes of chocolates you get at Valentine's Day or the candy coma into which you go at Halloween. Same binges, different day . . .
  • Recipes, please. Thanks very much.
  • I'm sorry, I should have been clearer. I forgot to mention that I'm currently doing a diet of around 1000 calories and need to increase from THAT to 1800 - 1900. MFP is already figuring for my exercise. I need to find a safe way to add 800-900 calories but still avoid high fat/high carb foods. Thanks for your help.
  • Excellent responses from everybody. Thanks so very much for helping me out. I have found a couple of simple calisthenics on which I can start and I'd like to learn more about the chair aerobics. When the weather is a little improved in my neighborhood, I'll find out about using a pool for aquaerobics. I appreciate all of…
  • Thank you all very much. I'm enjoying it so far. God bless.
  • Thank you all very much for your support. One of the real pleasures of having this kind of success has been the degree of inspiration and amazement I'm able to generate in others. The most common response tends to be "Keep going. You're doing great." I never heard that when I had a Big Mac hanging out of my mouth. As for…