Need a daily routine

RJursik Posts: 13
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi all;

Here's my situation: I weigh over 300 lbs. I need to create a daily exercise routine that I can do at home in 30 minutes or less before getting ready for work in the morning. Due to a permanent derangement of my right ankle, I'm not able to run and can only walk for short distances. Preferably, I should have no impact on that ankle at all. I have no workout equipment and can't really afford to buy any. I have managed to drop more than 100 lbs. in less than a year by a drastic diet plan that I now recognize won't take me any further. I would like to keep the more sound elements of that diet (eating more fruits/vegetables, smaller portions, controlling fat/carbs) while adding more exercise. I have rarely, if ever, seriously exercised before.

I thought it a good idea to offer the topic up on here and turn everyone loose. Have at it, friends! Thanks very much.


  • sunshine525
    sunshine525 Posts: 18 Member
    If you can do easy walking, I like Leslie Sansone's walk videos. I have no experience at all with chair aerobics, but that might be an option for you. I just searched and they have quite a few chair aerobics videos. Keep up the good work. I think you are on the right track.
  • dmmarie21
    dmmarie21 Posts: 254 Member
    I actually read a few tips a while back, maybe these will help.
    1. When doing laundry, dump the whole basket of dirty clothes on the floor, and pick each up, one at a time, bending over all of the way. Do the same when you are folding.

    2. If you watch a lot of tv, do cardio during the breaks. Jump rope, march in place, run back and forth around the house.

    3. Dancing

    4. I know a few people who were able to join the YMCA on an income based fee. There are a lot of gyms that are doing this I hear.

    I hope these simple things help. They can all be altered, I'm sure.
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    They are pretty "old school", but if you can handle watching dudes in workout leotards, then you should get the 8-Minute video series. I have 8 Minute Abs, 8 Minute Arms, 8 Minute Legs, and 8 Minute 32 minutes I can burn 225 calories. It isnt technically aerobic, so there is little to no impact on my ankles (that I can think of..?), and they recommend starting out with no weights, then adding in soup cans for some resistance (on the arms DVD). I can do all the exercises in front of the TV, and I didnt have to invest in any equipment, other than the DVDs. they have them on VHS, too :)
    I am impressed with your determination to do SOMETHING, even if it doesnt happen easily. Way to go on the 100 pound loss! Keep it up :)
  • RJursik
    RJursik Posts: 13
    Excellent responses from everybody. Thanks so very much for helping me out.

    I have found a couple of simple calisthenics on which I can start and I'd like to learn more about the chair aerobics. When the weather is a little improved in my neighborhood, I'll find out about using a pool for aquaerobics.

    I appreciate all of your support.
  • sunshine525
    sunshine525 Posts: 18 Member
    Water aerobics is a great idea! I wanted to let you know that I saw a program on my tv guide that had chair aerobics. Search your guide. Maybe you can get if free off tv and not have to buy a video.:smile:
  • OddSquid
    OddSquid Posts: 107 Member
    Tae Bo can offer some good cardio workouts without straining the ankles -- it would mean skipping the kick moves, but there are plenty of punch/block-based moves that, when performed with intensity and focus, can work up a sweat.

    I know that it's easy to bag on Tae Bo, especially by experienced martial artists, but it's an exercise, nothing more. And I'm a former martial artist myself so I have to admit that I bagged on it too until I tried it. It's not self defense, it's not combat, it's not sparring. But it IS a hell of a workout.

    As long as you understand that your injury will limit your progress and that it won't be as quick as you'd like but it will happen as long as you stick with it, you should be alright.
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