Whose tried any of the lean body recipes? I haven't ventured out of my box yet, but I really want to try the yam muffins. I absolutely LOVE baked goods. I think these would be a great cure for my sweet tooth.
Checking in to see who's following the 12week workout plan. I haven't done Lee's regimen in three weeks, mainly because I'm not going to the gym as much as I was in January, It's alot easier to do a DVD at home before work than it is to drag 4 kids to the gym after dinner. How are you all doing?
Hey all! I'm on my third week with this challenge, like I said in a different post. I'm not using any products yet. I know that it's a condition of the challenge to provide receipts with the after photos so I figured I have time. I want to know if you guys have started using any of the meal replacement drinks or the fat…
Last night we had a birthday celebration for a high school friend that felt a lot like a high school reunion. We drank, told war stories about parenting teens, ate sushi and laughed a lot. Before we left, everyone huddled together for a group photo...and I stood in the front! I was also smiling, liked the way I looked and…
Anyone out there in MFPland with a twin who isn't the same size as you? I know I'm not the only one...