What is the best support for knees for heavy squats?
I am not really feeling challenged by my barbell squats the last couple of months and I noticed I am starting a habit of bad form at or above 155lbs. I could lift more if my knee didn't hurt and want to give out. I tried a knee sleeve for support, but it doesn't really help. Any ideas for the best way to support my knees?
Long Lonely Days
I have found myself without much to do with my days lately and I have plateaued over the last 2 months. I have eaten crappy, yes, but lately I am better. Need to wrap up Project Me, so I want to know with all this time on my hands if there is any benefit to splitting cardio and lifting between am and pm. Anyone doing this?…
Using Body Fat Calipers
I have used the hand held electric BF reader at my gym, had a personal trainer use calipers a while ago and just picked up a scale that reports body fat. They all report differently. Googling and reading up on ways to do get as accurate as possible body fat readings without fancy expensive systems, I see calipers are best,…