cant eat enough calories :/
i seem to not be able to eat the calorie amount that its advised...is that bad that everyday i seem to be under up top 500 calories? i just dont feel hungry because i eat quite abit of proteins and soups and it fills me throughout the day???
what exercise works for you?
it could literally be anything from running up and down the stairs everyday to taking long strolls. What works for me is taking my dog on long and fast walks every morning and using a fits ball, seems to give me better results then going to the gym... What exercise works best for you??
how to get rid of the muffin top??? lol
Hi iv noticed that there is one main area that i find really hard to shift and its the 'muffin top' does anyone have any ideas or food or exercises that could help me shift it lol i have no idea :D
specific body shape...
Just wondering what would be the best way to still remain curvy on the bottom but be slim on top...i always struggle with this one as i end up losing to much on the bottom and can never find the perfect balance??
Fittest looking celebrities?? who do you think?
One of mine has got to be pink...shes hard training and looks like she could out run anyone lol....
best weightloss tips...whats yours?
- Il start by sayin no eating after 7pm
heyyyy new here
Hey im new here cant weight to finally have a place to talk to otehrs about weightloss...Im not looking to lose too much just to be healthy...so hi everyone and add me if you would like to x x