A friend of mine is taking a his state trooper physical fitness test and he shared this WOD with me. Probably one of the toughest I've done. If anybody wants to try it and give it a go, post your times below. My time: 20:57, the pushups were the toughest for me. 800 meter run 50 pushups 40 situps 30 squat jumps 400 meter…
Wondering if there are any riders out there? Recreational or more serious, curious to see how fitness improvements have changed your riding style for better or worse??
Does your water consumption really factor into your food diary at all? I always drink at least 64 ounces a day, but I never bother to put it in. Just curious if it really mattered?
Hey Everyone, I'm currently training for Marathon #2 (ING Hartford in Connecticut). My first one (NJ Marathon) back in May taught me that if I want to beat my previous time of 3:59:30 this time around I have to change up the training. Now I am incorporating strength training along with my endurance training for the next 15…
Anybody have it? Thoughts, feedback?
Just finished my first marathon this past Sunday. It was an amazing feeling.