Is it just me or am I the only one over 50 and i have to work really hard to lose a pound.? When I was in my 40's the pounds just seemed to melt off but omg now they seem to resent coming off at all :( Anyone else in my age group having this problem? I'd love to hear what is working for you, or even ideas youd like to try?…
A new year and this time I want to go the distance..I'm in it for the long haul and tomorrow's my first day. It's awesome to be able to come here and know I'm not alone in this battle. Wishing everyone success beyond their wildest dreams!
I admit it weekends are my ultimate downfall. I can do exceptionaly well during the week but the weekend comes and for some reason I have at best a difficult time staying on my program if not fall of the wagon entirely. Id appreciate feedback, tips, tricks, bribes (lol) that have worked for you on weekends. In fact just…