Over 50 and Weightloss

Is it just me or am I the only one over 50 and i have to work really hard to lose a pound.? When I was in my 40's the pounds just seemed to melt off but omg now they seem to resent coming off at all :( Anyone else in my age group having this problem? I'd love to hear what is working for you, or even ideas youd like to try? Let's talk :)


  • FitnessOver50
    I am 52. I hired a trainer. It really made a difference.

    Most of us do not know what we are doing or why when we exercise. We see someone else do an exercise and we copy them. Chances are they are doing it incorrectly.

    Since hiring a trainer, I have met all of my goals
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    I am 52. I hired a trainer. It really made a difference.

    Most of us do not know what we are doing or why when we exercise. We see someone else do an exercise and we copy them. Chances are they are doing it incorrectly.

    Since hiring a trainer, I have met all of my goals

    It would be great to have a trainer but at my gym you have to buy lessons in a bundle and that makes it pretty expensive..I had a trainer years ago and he was tremendously helpful in motivating me to use more weight and reps with squats and deadlifts
  • FitnessOver50
    Yes the trainer is expensive. I use mine for two to three months at a time and then go on my own for a few months.

    My line of thinking is that it is far more expensive to waste the time and energy ( months) and not see the desired results. You only end up going and circles and giving up

    Trainer is cheaper in the long run. Plus you keep your sanity.
  • Nikki_Z
    Nikki_Z Posts: 28
    One of the other issues with aging and weight loss is that our metabolism slows as we age. So if our metabolism is already slowing because of age and we add to that weight gain, it makes it that much harder to lose weight.

    I know trainers are expensive. I've experienced this from both sides, both as a client and as a trainer. My trainer pushed me to overcome my walls, and I now have the opportunity to be there for others in order to achieve their goals.

    With a Trainer: You reach your goals faster. You learn more. You stay motivated. You have support and guidance. You never get bored.

    Without a trainer: You struggle to focus. You feel a bit lost. You have to rely on yourself for motivation through a workout. You might get bored and give up. It may take a long time to see results.

    FitnessOver50 is right, Training is cheaper in the long run. Think of it as investing in a stock you can't lose in - yourself. You can't lose if you're investing in your own health.
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    I just turned 50 but I do know that with pre meno/meno it does get harder to lose weight but it is not impossible. I have never used a trainer and I don't feel it would be worth the cost for me. I also don't belong to a gym. Walking and running outside are free (except for good shoes/clothes) I do have a treadmill for winter. Free weights are cheap and there are many websites to learn how to use them. Also using your own body doing push ups, lunges, squats...

    For me the key has been making sure I get 30-45 min of cardio a day. 3 days a week that's a run/walk combo and walking the rest of the days. I also strength train 2 days and do pilates 2 days. Find what works for you and keep working out.:flowerforyou:
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    Has anyone had success with the South Beach Diet?? I've heard recently they have a revd up version that is supposed to deliver more weight loss? Please share your experience. Thanks!:flowerforyou:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    I love your avatar photo:bigsmile: I used to feel as you do, but when I started using the website and getting regular cardio exercise (walking) , I was able to lose 50 lbs. in 8 months, and although I didn't lose anything after the 2nd week of December, I didn't GAIN anything during Christmas and New Year's, even though I was out of my established schedule. I eased up on my walking due to the weather, but I am getting back to it this month and starting some strength training.

    Although I have lost on Atkins, as soon as I stopped following that regimen, I regained everything with "interest." South Beach is less restrictive, but, I LIKE bread, and pasta (whole wheat in both cases) and I didn't want to give them up. Thanks to the changes I have made, I don't have to. With the program I am now following, which is watching calories, fat, sodium, and keeping the protein consumption up, I don't feel hungry. Since I can eat anything I choose as long as I plan for it, I don't feel deprived of things I like.

    One other thing.... I had a hysterectomy and am taking low dose estrogen. I would guess that not having ups and downs and menopausal symptoms is probably a contributing factor to my success.

    You mentioned wanting to communicate with like-minded people. If you are not familiar with the 50+ Women's thread under fitness and motivation, please check it out. After reading your profile, I think you might find it helpful, so here is a link to the most recent page:


    I hope you will check us out. Good luck with your fitness goals!!:flowerforyou:

    EDIT--I guess great minds think alike. After I posted the above message, I went to the 50+ thread and found that you had already discovered us!!!:laugh:
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    One of the other issues with aging and weight loss is that our metabolism slows as we age. So if our metabolism is already slowing because of age and we add to that weight gain, it makes it that much harder to lose weight.


    Most defiitely my metabolism has slowed, and my activity level is nearly zero in comparison to what it was in my 40's. I intend to change that but need to figure how to eat first..still in a quandry as to what direction will be quickest with long lasting results..I think it must be different path for each of us..I hope I find mine soon!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    I'm 55 years old...weightloss-fatloss can be very slow, depending on your diet and exercise routine. A higher protein diet (not low carb) helps me a lot. As for exercise, a combination of strength workouts and high intensity interval training (HIIT) does the trick in a fairly short time. I see only marginal results when I keep my HR in a lower range (130-140). My body responds well when I get my HR up in the 170-180 range for short periods. It also burns calories a lot faster. I'm not saying this is right for everyone, but it works for me. Good luck!
  • Younger_at_50
    Younger_at_50 Posts: 24 Member
    Hello 54kitty,

    I don't use any specific diet plan but I can tell you that I have one sister who has used Nutrisystem and lost over 60 lbs in one year and another who is using South Beach (recommended by her doctor) and lost 20-30 lbs since about July. I chose myfitnesspal because, as others have stated, I didn't want to follow a "restricted" diet. It's really all about what works for you .. do you like to have it mapped out for you, do you hate to count calories, do you like to cook/plan meals?? My sister who used Nutrisystem doesn't really like/enjoy cooking and my sister on South Beach has to cook for 7 children and needed something she could incorporate into cooking for the family.

    As far as exercise goes, I don't use a trainer but I do go to the gym. When I joined the gym I did receive a complimentary hour with a trainer and used every bit of info from her, most of which had to do with exercise form. My sister who used Nutrisystem focused on eating first before exercising which she does at home with DVD's, hand weights, etc. My sister using South Beach also is only focused on the eating for now and researching home exercise equipment for the future. I didn't have as much weight to lose, but wanted to get in better shape and access to more strength training equipment. I hate to make a special trip to the gym so it has to be located close to my job or on my way home from work, if that wasn't possible I would be working out at home using DVD's, swiss/palates ball, handweights and 1 piece of cardio equipment. I have a TotalGym as well but don't use it as much because it takes up room and doesn't store as easily as commercials lead you to believe, however it gives an awesome home workout. But that's me!

    Good luck on your journey and don't give up, where there's a will there's a way!!

    PS. the two sisters I refer to are in their mid to late 40's
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    I am 50. I lost 40lbs over the span of 7 months, I have exercised w/o dieting and dieted w/o exercised and neither worked. Together the weight fell off. I hired a personal trainer and learned how to exercised correctly. 2 years later I have maintained the same level of fitness and stayed at goal - 2 lbs less. Its hard work but worth every effort.
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    Hello 54kitty,

    I don't use any specific diet plan but I can tell you that I have one sister who has used Nutrisystem and lost over 60 lbs in one year and another who is using South Beach (recommended by her doctor) and lost 20-30 lbs since about July. I chose myfitnesspal because, as others have stated, I didn't want to follow a "restricted" diet. It's really all about what works for you .. do you like to have it mapped out for you, do you hate to count calories, do you like to cook/plan meals?? My sister who used Nutrisystem doesn't really like/enjoy cooking and my sister on South Beach has to cook for 7 children and needed something she could incorporate into cooking for the family.

    As far as exercise goes, I don't use a trainer but I do go to the gym. When I joined the gym I did receive a complimentary hour with a trainer and used every bit of info from her, most of which had to do with exercise form. My sister who used Nutrisystem focused on eating first before exercising which she does at home with DVD's, hand weights, etc. My sister using South Beach also is only focused on the eating for now and researching home exercise equipment for the future. I didn't have as much weight to lose, but wanted to get in better shape and access to more strength training equipment. I hate to make a special trip to the gym so it has to be located close to my job or on my way home from work, if that wasn't possible I would be working out at home using DVD's, swiss/palates ball, handweights and 1 piece of cardio equipment. I have a TotalGym as well but don't use it as much because it takes up room and doesn't store as easily as commercials lead you to believe, however it gives an awesome home workout. But that's me!

    Good luck on your journey and don't give up, where there's a will there's a way!!

    PS. the two sisters I refer to are in their mid to late 40's

    Younger_at_fifty thanks so much for the advise and encouragement! I suppose I could be a lot worse off but losing this weight is probably the most extreme challenge I've had in a very long time..I guess I've had it easy the past 10 years, hence lots of weight gain and I kept telling myself Id get around to losng it:frown: so here I am with a big wake up call called high blood pressure, so I have to do something but more important I'm ready to do whatever it takes..I just have to remember one day at a time..I've looked into Nutrisystem but I've heard mixed reviews about the food not being so good..and I don't think I could deal with that so I'm opting to cook for myself..I just have to honest and exercise control over portions and keep snacking at a minimum..
  • lisagalloway
    Hello, I'm 51 (52 at the end of the week). When I was younger I just skipped a meal or 2 and I'd loose weight. Now, even following a healthy eating plan I don't seem to loose weight. I keep smiling and trying. I figure if I follow my appropriate calories and exercise something will happen, it just may take a lot longer. I'd love to be your friend, maybe we can do this together.