How do you stay focused on weekends?

tearose Posts: 94
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I admit it weekends are my ultimate downfall. I can do exceptionaly well during the week but the weekend comes and for some reason I have at best a difficult time staying on my program if not fall of the wagon entirely. Id appreciate feedback, tips, tricks, bribes (lol) that have worked for you on weekends. In fact just talking about might help me figure out why the heck I do this! :noway:


  • I treat the weekend like it is no different from the rest of the week. I find if I don't have alot to do I start munching on this and that. I plan projects for the weekend even its something like organizing the food storage containers in the cabinet. Just keep busy. If I am going out somewhere I make a game plan of where would be the best place to eat. Good Luck!!!
  • Brandiann
    Brandiann Posts: 905 Member
    For me I don't find the weekend's tough at all... I take it like the regular weekday and make sure to hit the gym.. My downfall is my fiance ordering take out on day's I don't cook (twice a wk at most) but I make sure to bake 6-8 chicken breasts and keep them in the frig for those days.. then I just heat them up with some veggies or sometimes I eat a small portion of take out and make sure my next meal is healthier... Just take it day by day and keep healthy snacks available for yourself, either in your purse, car, house, etc...
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    Good for you - staying with your plan all week - a week is a lot longer than a weekend!
    Plan ahead.
    When you shop for food, make a meal plan for the weekend.
    Maybe even cook ahead.
    Plan in some "treats," food or activity or something new or just a bubble bath! :love:
    Plan some exercise.
    Be sure to log EVERYTHING! No matter how good or bad! :huh:
    Sometimes I even log my meals in the morning & that seems to keep me on track.
    Hang in there & have fun!
  • BroiledNotFried
    BroiledNotFried Posts: 446 Member
    Try to get involved in something with your family/friends that is fun and physical. Perhaps going skating for a few hours? Bike riding? Hiking? Park? Bastketball?

    I am getting my house organized. One project at a time. Cleaning out/organizing just one closet can take 2 hours! I feel so good to get this done. And, it's much better than watching tv.
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    My current motivation for keeping track on the weekends is that Monday is weigh in day for a weight loss competition we have going on at work. The last contest used to be weigh in on Fridays so of course Friday on...if I weighed in at a happy weight..I treated myself horribly and it lasted throughout the weekend. Now that the weigh ins are on Mondays, I feel like Thursday thru Sunday are my most important days to stay on track.

    Not sure what I will do when this competition is over lol.
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    I treat the weekend like it is no different from the rest of the week. I find if I don't have alot to do I start munching on this and that. I plan projects for the weekend even its something like organizing the food storage containers in the cabinet. Just keep busy. If I am going out somewhere I make a game plan of where would be the best place to eat. Good Luck!!!

    I do eat out on the weekends and thats probably part of it as i live in a small town and little exists past fast food and majorly wilty salads..maybe its better until i find a healthy alternative i just stay away from it altogether until i'm a little stronger, but a plan before i go may help. Thanks :)
  • Nmama
    Nmama Posts: 191 Member
    I dont have too much of a hard time on the weekends, but for me, sticking this quote on the fridge helps:

    Your body is the baggage you must carry through life. The more excess the baggage, the shorter the trip.-Arnold H. Glasgow

    It keeps me on track ;)
  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    I admit it weekends are my ultimate downfall. I can do exceptionaly well during the week but the weekend comes and for some reason I have at best a difficult time staying on my program if not fall of the wagon entirely. Id appreciate feedback, tips, tricks, bribes (lol) that have worked for you on weekends. In fact just talking about might help me figure out why the heck I do this! :noway:

    I find making an eating and exercise plan for the weekend works. I already know what I'm going to eat, and I try to make sure I get in my excercise first thing in the morning so I don't have to think about it for the rest of the day!
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    Good for you - staying with your plan all week - a week is a lot longer than a weekend!
    Plan ahead.
    When you shop for food, make a meal plan for the weekend.
    Maybe even cook ahead.
    Plan in some "treats," food or activity or something new or just a bubble bath! :love:
    Plan some exercise.
    Be sure to log EVERYTHING! No matter how good or bad! :huh:
    Sometimes I even log my meals in the morning & that seems to keep me on track.
    Hang in there & have fun!

    Thanks George for the great ideas!..planning ahead is one I havent tried, so I will give it a go this weekend and try to stay ahead of the game.
  • maz165
    maz165 Posts: 73 Member
    I'm bad at saying no to good times with friends and often will go out to eat at least one night of the weekend. Make smart choices at restaurants, or if you have to have that delicious bad-for-you thing, only eat a small portion and make sure you get your workout that day!

    I also drink at least one if not both nights of the weekend, but I've learned to stick to lower cal options--primarily vodka + soda water. Also, if I know I'm going out to drink or go to dinner, I will factor that into my daily plan. Eat something super healthy for breakfast and lunch and leave as many calories as possible for the evening. Of course, you'll go over sometimes. And that's okay. Even though Friday is generally a rest day for me, I schedule workouts for Saturday and Sunday to offset some of the fun times. :tongue:

    In the ideal weight loss plan, I suppose I would quit drinking and never eat the bad stuff, but that isn't realistic for me. I don't want to feel like I'm denying my body or my life anything. Just try to keep it under control and keep going. I've had success without having a totally boring weekend.
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    :flowerforyou: Plan some major exercise early in the day, much easier when you have 300 calories of exercise in for a credit. If you are going out to restaurants, try to look at a menu on line to plan it out, easier when you have a plan, the other thing is to journal your food, I try to journal early in the day and then eat what I journal. Looking at the fridge just doesn't work for me.
    Don't forget to drink your water, hard to over eat when you have had 8-10 glasses of water! :tongue: Good Luck!
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