Armband Stench
So after a while my Ipod Armband has an ungodly stench. My arm still stinks long after it is removed. Has anybody found a good way to eliminate odor from an armband? The one I currently use is a Belkin armband and I've been able to hand wash it w/ mild detergent in warm water & douse it w/ febreeze. The smell is kicked…
Interesting Article for Math Nerds
So I saw this article in the NY Times & found it interesting. Just an FYI. A Mathematical Challenge to Obesity By CLAUDIA DREIFUS Carson C. Chow deploys mathematics to solve the everyday problems of real life. As an investigator at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, he tries to figure out…
Calve cramps running only after lifting?
So I'm pretty active & get in a mix of resistance & cardio workouts during the week. I lift pretty heavy & a session usually lasts about 45 mins w/ no half-assin around, and I follow a three day a week split plan. My cardio has been 2x a week doing interval running & 1x a week doing steady state (generally a treadmill 5K).…
Do Vitamins aid in weight loss? Everytime I go to GNC they are trying to push their multi on me? If you eat healthy and with variety does it matter, or is there some valid reason other than just because the public has been swayed by advertising?