Logic and Christianity
I promised, well, no one that I would make this thread, and in fact, promised that if I did, it would be boring. However, numerous statements regarding the inherent illogic of Christianity seem worth addressing. First, some questions. Who believes that Christians are illogical, and why? What logic is violated? Is the…
Hypothetical on Identity
You may have heard this one before, but I quite like it. There are three teleporters: One teleporter rips apart the subjects atoms, sends them across space, and reconstitutes them at a remote site. Another teleporter scans the subject, sends the information to the remote site which then creates a clone, and kills the…
Only kind of NSV a guy like me cares about
Doing speed work this morning on a hilly, part trail loop over railroad tracks. I was using a GPS watch for my laps, and letting endomondo record the entire work out for later review. After I got home, I realized that I ended up running the first 5k in 26 flat, and was averaging 8:20 the entire time! That is, by far, the…
Leave it to the professionals
While I actually am a health professional, and had at one point spent 13 years working directly in exercise science, I actually handed over my independance today to a fellow health professional. That's right, I hired a sports dietician. I have always had access to one (my wife works directly with the director of…