I think a lot of my problem with weight loss is mental. I don't mean that in the classic sense of that I eat because I use it as a crutch for emotional problems - I don't. In fact, when I'm sad, I tend to eat less than usual, I lose my appetite. I mean that I have a hard time believing the advice out there about weight…
I have made a renewed effort - it being January ;) and me being my all-time heaviest :( - to lose weight, and am having a problem I always have when I try this... My darling husband keeps bringing home all the things neither one of us should be eating, but definitely not me, even though I really really want to and am…
I could have sworn I posted this before, but I can't find the post now - sorry if this is a repeat... I'm new here. I had a Polar F4 for ages, until it broke. I decided to take the opportunity to upgrade. However, I'd specifically like two things that the F4 didn't seem to have. 1) I'd like something that already takes…
I had a Polar F4 heart rate monitor, but it broke, so I've decided to get a new and better model. Specifically, I'd like one that already takes background calories off, if such a thing exists. Also, do any of them have more sophisticated memory storage of calorie totals? I think the F4 (I haven't used it in a while, so…