I just purchased a "Fit Frappe" that clamed to have less than 1 g of sugar per serving. But when I got it home I read the rest. 21g of Sugar Alcohol. Does anyone know what it is and how bad it is for me?
What an eye opener Dr Robert Lustig Lecture: Sugar The Bitter Truth This is a must watch. A few day ago someone said all calories were created equal. NOT! Go to youtube and type this in. Dr Robert Lustig Lecture: Sugar The Bitter Truth 2013
From my friend Reylene. She is a Jazzercise instructor Common Nutritional/Fitness Mistakes People Make: 1. Not enough or too much protein intake. You need to consume enough protein to help your muscles to grow. However, you can not eat protein and drink a protein shake at the same time. It's either/or because all protein…
I was wondering why the inches aren't tracked?