So, today I completed my first 5k walk. Considering I started here barely more than a month ago, and now can and typically will walk between 3 and 5 miles at a time, I am feeling pretty proud. I completed the 5k walking in just under 55 minutes. No long story to post, just wanted to share my little victory! Sarah
So, I know there are women out here that can relate. I step on the scale this morning, and I am up 4 POUNDS!!!! Overnight. GRRRRRRRRR I know it isn't "real" weight gain, it is the start of that time of the month. But still!!! (*()))_@U&#($ 4 flipping pounds! Just like that! Frigging Aunt Flow...who's aunt is she anyway?…
So, yesterday I did the exact same workout as today. I have not "weighed in" or changed anything between yesterday and today. However, yesterday it gave me credit for burning 597 calories, and today only 574. Can anyone account for this difference? Has this happened to you? Sarah