Ok so.. I can't get something off my mind right now.. and this is the best place (besides my friend who I can't contact right now) I have to say something about it. So here; My parents split when I was really little, my dad moved to another state for something like 2-3 years.. he thought it'd be easier on me that way…
I'm 14, 5'4", 113 lbs. (at the moment.. Im pretty sure I'm retaining at least 4 lbs. water weight) I have a medium small frame, and I'm not exceptionally well muscled. I'm not fat (or even chubby, really) but I do have some excess fat.. mainly around my stomach. I don't know my bmi or waists to hip ratio, but I think my…
Hey, so.. yesterday I did 75 squats in a row which I know may not sound like a lot, but I've always had a hard time with squats for some reason (muscles are pretty undeveloped I guess), anyway now my legs are REALLY sore.. I want to exercise but every time I move, my legs protest.. ha. So I'm wondering if anyone knows of…
Oh and I need friends! ^-^