

  • http://www.sushifaq.com/sushi-calories.htm it's great.
  • I do still help her out.. I know she loves me.. it's just complicated. I know there are people who have it way worse.. I keep that in mind constantly. I did hide it for months.. and denied it for months. I appreciate your honesty.
  • I wont be going to school but I'll be taking classes, and I'll be able to see a doctor and (I think) therapist. I could in theory see a therapist now.. but we don't really have enough money, so it'd add to my mom's stress. Also my mom tends to ask details about stuff like that.. I saw a therapist for a little while when I…
  • meajj: I hadn't seen your post yet.. I can't see a guidance councler.. Im home schooled. your post made me feel better right now though.
  • BLT guy: that actually makes sense.. thanks. Other new post: you're helpful too.. thank you.
  • Ok first off.. Im surprised I've gotten so many replies so fast.. thanks for that, and for the honesty. I know there will always be something with whoever I live with..Im just a little surprised at the lack of support on this because she's supportive about most things regarding my health ... at least if they go along with…
  • I want help.. I'll probably have to tell my dad whats going on..
  • Im moving in next month or early august :)
  • First off; thank you, everyone for your advice. Second; I set my calories to maintenance (thats going from 1380- 1760), I'm trying to eat healthy though (because it's better for growth and vitamins, ect.) and because it's better for my metabolism, which I'm trying to recover from months of extreme calorie…
  • I do zumba, I look up how much it burns on google, and enter general danicing but replace the burn with the real one.
  • Hmm.. ok I might try that. again. I tried before, but I was eating way too much... so maybe it'll work better now that I'm more in control. I. am bloated (water weight) and I know I'd look a lot thinner if that was gone.. Im trying to get rid of it by staying hydrated and eating water rich foods, while keeping refined…
  • Sometimes not exercising makes you hungrier.. unless it's a planned rest day, than you probably just need more food for some reason.
  • Try doing crunches, even if you can't at first if you keep trying you will be able to (and you can do them in-front of a fan if you want :smile: ) and keep walking, it's great! On a hot day cool down your house/apartment and walk around inside, or do some housecleaning. I'm new too btw. Welcome and good luck!
  • Ok, first of all despite it's purpose, I find that having cereal or breakfast is a bad idea.. especially sugary cereal. Try eating eggs in some form for breakfast more often (with hole wheat/whole grain toast) or oatmeal and a glass of milk (if you can/will/like to drink it). White bread is ok sometimes, but it's better to…
  • Yes it is possible, I've read that it is and I've experienced that much water retention too. It'll go away on its own but for me exercising and avoiding dairy helps.
  • A few of these are really helpful, thanks!
  • Me! I love going to beaches around 4th of July with extended fam and I want to feel like I look good!