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ButSeriously Posts: 3
edited September 2024 in Introduce Yourself
Hi Guys,

My name is Sara. I just thought I'd say hey, and introduce myself before I start posting. :)

I'll be 29 in a couple months. Life long Fat Girl. Not to be self-effacing. I know about the shiny side of looking at things, and I'm getting there. But for right now, I'm just sayin', that's how it feels and that's how it is. I've always sort of felt like a caricature. Like I'm stuck in a big dinosaur costume, like one of those fast food chains sidewalkers? We all laugh at those poor fools, standing out there, dancing hot dog, in the 90 degree heat. Anyway, I've just always felt like a non PERSON. And I'm over it. The older I get, the harder it's going to be, so I got to take care of business now.

What else? I read in the bathtub a lot. I work at a desk after many years of crap retail. It's an interesting change. I didn't exactly have a shining example of athleticism or healthy habits as a kid, and it manifested in this hot mess. Long story short, anyway. :)

So I think that's it. I'm trying to get this together. I was doing pretty decently, and just had a bad week. And unfortunately, it's much easier to have those than good ones.

I'm not an exerciser. At all. I would love to be, but it's hot and I hate sweating and I have that mindset where people are laughing at the fat person trying to be all work-outy. I started taking walks recently and surprised myself with the fact that it got easier, and I LIKED it. But like I said, bad week. Hot week. Lazy week. Any tips for a girl who can't do a push up? LOL

See you around!


  • xxsweet
    xxsweet Posts: 21
    Try doing crunches, even if you can't at first if you keep trying you will be able to (and you can do them in-front of a fan if you want :smile: ) and keep walking, it's great! On a hot day cool down your house/apartment and walk around inside, or do some housecleaning.

    I'm new too btw. Welcome and good luck!
  • Cornock
    Cornock Posts: 254
    Hey Sara, it takes a while to get your mind and body used to doing things it has not done before. In reality it takes at least 21 days of performing the same routine to create a habit.

    Just don't give up, sometimes things are tough. I've learn't that the tougher things are the closer you normally are to a breakthrough.

    The thing I love about this site is that everyone here is here to support eachother, use it to help you. I have not come across a better way for people to connect.

    I know it sounds a little silly but its about changing a life style, destroying old ways of thinking surrounding food, surrounding the way you think and percieve yourself.

    In so many ways everyone here is the same, you are not alone.

    Well done for starting!
  • Jpickeri
    Jpickeri Posts: 35
    At first, it might seem really difficult to start exercising, whether it's walking, doing crunches, push-ups, etc. You've already taken the first step and have joined MFP and have started walking. It can only get better from there! By exercising, your body naturally releases endorphins, which make you feel HAPPY. Your body naturally likes to exercise and reinforces that feeling by releasing these hormones. You are on your way, even if you've had a bad start. Try setting goals like being able to run a mile without stopping by July 1st. It will feel SO GREAT when you accomplish something that you didn't think you could....and I'm sure you'll be surprised by your inner athlete =) BEST OF LUCK!
  • swim! swiiiiim!
    just make sure you leave your book outside the splash zone .n_~
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