Can losing weight and delicious dining co-exist?
Great article here from the Independent. http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/food-and-drink/features/a-little-of-what-you-fancy-can-losing-weight-and-delicious-dining-coexist-2343247.html
JD Wetherspoons Calories
For those of you in the UK I have discovered this online app giving a breakdown of the calories in their meals. Hope it helps. http://www.rfbrookes.co.uk/Web/FoodFacts/FoodFacts.nsf/PopUpForm?OpenFrameSet
Curves are back!
The body for now Gone are the size-zero and muscle-bound types. The latest body trend is all about looking fit and healthy. Plus, six men reveal which of our bits they love the most Gemma Soames 9 COMMENTS RECOMMEND? (15) Helena Christensen It all started with a lot of talk about bottoms. My friends had become obsessed by…
Maintenance Phase
I am coming up to reaching my weight loss goal and am looking to move into the maintenance phase. Something inside me is terrified of doing this! I know its stupid because at the moment I am sticking to my calories and losing 1lb a week like MFP says I will but for some reason I'm not quite sure I trust that eating an…
Don't eat anything your (great) Grandmother wouldn't recogni
Just found this article on the times online - very simple - it makes sense http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/food_and_drink/article7133486.ece Human beings ate well and kept themselves healthy for millenniums before nutritional science came along to tell us how to do it. Eating in our time has become…