Maintenance Phase

I am coming up to reaching my weight loss goal and am looking to move into the maintenance phase. Something inside me is terrified of doing this! I know its stupid because at the moment I am sticking to my calories and losing 1lb a week like MFP says I will but for some reason I'm not quite sure I trust that eating an extra 500 cals a day will mean I stay at this weight. I'm pretty sure I haven't gone into starvation mode. I eat all my exercise calories if not that day then within the week so there's no reason why my weight would increase.

I was thinking of adding 250 cals a day initially and seeing how I go and then upping it to 500.

Has anyone gone into the maintenance phase? Chosen "stay the same" in the goals? Has it worked? Would be great to hear from you.


  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I went into maintenance for 6months. I found that keeping it at loosing 0.5lbs/week I actually stayed at the same weight. When I tried it at maintenace I gained a few pounds. It will take some time to adjust, but you will figure out what will work for you.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    I'm approaching this milestone, also (Though not as quickly as I had hoped:ohwell: ) I have gone ahead and changed my goal to 1/2 lb per week. That is part of whyit's been slower coming off than planned, but I think if it keeps me from gaining anything when I move over to maintenance, then it is worth it!:wink:

    Congrats on reaching this point! It will take some adjustment, but I am sure that after some "playing" with the numbers you will find the formula that helps you maintain! Remember the GOOD CHOICES!:flowerforyou:
  • jaylu
    jaylu Posts: 158
    i have just changed to maintenance mode over the past few days and i'm feeling very uncomfortable with the extra cals!! mfp moved me up from 1200 cals per day to 1340 and i'm scared at the end of the week there will be weight gain. its hard to get your head around extra cals when you've been trying to limit to 1200 for so long!
  • MichelleWagner50
    MichelleWagner50 Posts: 240 Member
    I went on maintenance a couple months ago. When I first switched, I added all the cals back in at once and felt like I was always starving?!?! Weird, but now I am back to feeling full with the cals I get. I haven't gained any weight. I have actually lost a couple more pounds. I think it would have been better to slowly add them in rather than all at once. Good luck whatever you decide!! Your body will tell you. Trust it!! :flowerforyou:
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    ever since i've gotten close to my goal weight (about a month ago) i switched to losing 1/2 lb a week and have been happy with the results :) i've still dropped a little bit but not too much and i was scared i would go overboard if i went back up to full i feel like i can go over every once in a while and not sabotage myself or feel too guilty! :)
  • scotty_81
    scotty_81 Posts: 59
    Thanks for all your advice. Think i will go to "lose half a pound a week" as of next week or the week after and see how I get on. I love the way that there's so much support on this site. Thanks again.