

  • I believe the answer is yes by the way! I managed to eat like a (vegetarian) King on 1200-1500 calories a day.
  • Here are two vegetarian pizza recipes that I have tried. Both are delicious. The first one is a perfect pizza margherita. I use only a dash of oil in the tomato sauce and half fat mozzarella and it is delicious. The whole thing comes in at about 550 cals (per pizza).…
  • My top five low calories vegetarian meals are (in no particular order): Frittata - leek and feta is the best one I've tried so far with a lovely big salad on the side Cottage Pie with Sweet Potato Mash -…
  • I think maintenance is harder than weight loss sometimes! Well done you. What a fantastic journey.
  • Congratulations. Carry on with the good work :)
  • I use the iphone app's weekly total and make sure I don't go over for the week. I'm sure it's OK if it's within a short space of time. This has worked for me.
  • Try this to start with and build up from there
  • I can not imagine that this diet would be very filling though. I knew a girl at school who lost weight by eating three chocolate bars a day but that was all she ate because it would take her to her calorie limit for the day. I would much prefer to eat filling, low-calorie meals. We all know what the long-term effect of…
  • Raisins, cinnamon and honey mmmmmm
  • Someone else will know more about this than me but I have read that your muscles store water when you exercise. I guess the difference in weight when you don't exercise is that water having been released. Whatever it is your weight will fluctuate daily. You should really only weigh in once a week (at the same time of day,…
  • I am getting married in September and decided to get fit and lose some weight for my big day. I decided to start running in February and started on mfp in March. It was more successful than I thought it would be and I have now lost 12lbs (having already lost about 8lbs last year and maintained that loss) and am in the…
  • Of course it is! Make sure you walk at a decent pace for you. Push it a bit and get a few hills in there if you can. Get your heart pumping. It's great.
    in walking Comment by scotty_81 June 2010
  • I am a vegetarian who doesn't eat much tofu so I can't answer that question for you especially as I am in the UK! I tend to have left over dinners for lunch the next day or soup, jacket potato and baked beans. A couple of really good recipes for left overs are these:…
  • How to combat swollen legs No cream will stop the puffiness — save yourself the expense with a good diet, exercise, and rigorous body brushing Carolyn Asome Heavy, swollen legs and ankles are not, I admit, the sexiest beauty conundrum we could have found to tackle this Wednesday. However, the water retention that causes…
  • I read an article the other day that said dry body brushing for three minutes a day will help with this. Should take about three weeks to notice a difference.
  • Eat lots of low calorie bulk like salad and veggies to keep you full and drink plenty. I know you are on a time limit but it will be easier for your body to adapt if you try losing half a pound a week to start with. I did this for a couple of weeks before going down to lose a pound a week. Still lost a pound those first…
  • Seems like a lot to lose in such a short space of time. Repeating what the other posters have said it may be that you don't need to lose 20lbs to go down a size. Just remember a healthy (and sustainable) loss is about 1-2lbs a week. If you lose it all very quickly its likely that it will go back on. Good luck.
  • I too am a vegetarian who is dairy intollerent. I drank soy milk for years but have recently switched to oat milk bcause of the phytoestrogens and also it is said to hamper thyroid function and mine is slow anyway! Everything in moderation so I would mix it up with alternatives.
  • I was tired too when I first started exercising. It will take your body time to get used to it but its really worth it. You will have more energy after a few weeks.
  • This will tell you all you need to know! Good luck breaking through the dreaded plateau.
  • Official weigh in is now on a Thursday (used to be Friday) and then I weigh myself when I want throughout the week. Its not usually every day though.
  • Sounds like you are hungry after your workout. If you are hungry - eat!
  • I found that I was tired and grumpy when I first started exercising. It took a couple of weeks for my body to get used to it. I also get it occasionally when I push myself. I hope you find a way around it.
  • I don't think it's the BMI. I was in the healthy range. Started at about 23 and am now 20.4 and haven't had a problem with shedding the pounds so far. I did plateau when I was aiming to lose half a pound a week but when I dropped it to a pound a week that is what I lost. Made sure I ate my exercise calories though. I also…
  • Had this salad with a couple of vegetarian sausage rolls. Salad was lovely but I'd use less mint next time. Grilled courgette salad with chilli, feta and pine nuts This is my favourite type of salad: warm, pretty, full of flavour and good for you. Serves 4-6 4 courgettes 80ml extra-virgin olive oil Salt and freshly ground…
  • yep - a litre weighs a kilo for those dealing in metric!
  • You could try bio oil
  • I think right. So which one is it?
  • Chocolate - 70% cocoa - the real stuff and biscuits to dip in my tea. Just made and had a piece of rocky road which was pretty awesome (did put me over my calories for today not by much though). mmmmmmmmmm