why am i tired?

deagn5 Posts: 19 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
so i have just started this program and i am really liking it. i noticed yesterday that i was very tired, now i was up with 2 children during the night, and i had worked the previous 2 evenings 4-12mid. this is my normal life, the only thing new is this, i have been exersizing as well. any ideas?


  • kimmie0627
    kimmie0627 Posts: 111 Member
    I had this same issue. I have kids to deal with during the day and I have fawns to bottle feed at night. I was lucky to get 5 hours of sleep. I found that excerising helped me feel energized and I got use to it. LOL. I also do the sugar free energy drink once in a while but they are not the best thing for you. Good luck.
  • withtree
    withtree Posts: 14
    Try eating apples, when you are tired, they are a natural energy supply. Also, if you are not taking a multi-vitamin, you should start taking one a day. Also, you may not be drinking enough water. If you are working out, you need more water than you think. Your body is not used to exercising so it is probably sore and tired. Once you build up your stamina and exercise becomes a daily part of your life, you will notice your energy level increase and it will soon be more than before you ever started exercising.
  • doll2002
    doll2002 Posts: 427
    I think your body is noticing that you are during something different to it and it is trying to adjust. Once your body get adjusted to the new changes, maybe you won't be so tired. Good luck and stick with. You will appreciate the results.
  • scotty_81
    scotty_81 Posts: 59
    I was tired too when I first started exercising. It will take your body time to get used to it but its really worth it. You will have more energy after a few weeks.
  • hopesj
    hopesj Posts: 1
    Not that this is the case for you but sleep is one of the best things you can do for your body. Especially when you are working, exercising, have a family etc. Your body doesn't release the human growth horomone needed for recovery until you are well into your sleeping pattern. 8 hours or more are needed to fully recover and feel like yourself again.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Your body just needs time to adjust. You should be okay. The healthier food you eat, the better you will feel - keep that in mind!
  • katlou2
    katlou2 Posts: 199 Member
    this is a really good post with great comments in the thread. I just started this week with my new life adventure and have been wondering the exact same thing. My biggest 2 changes have been waking up and hour earlier and actually moving my body and eating healthier and couldn't figure out why I've been feeling SOOO tired from about 4 pm till I go to bed. The whole point of living healthier is to be able to actually live! So thanks everyone above what you have said makes alot of sense!
  • I started 6/12/2010 and notice I am tired and run down especially on the days I work. I know my body is adjusting to the lower caloric intact and exercise. I am sure it is wondering where is all the food at?:blushing:
  • cbirdso
    cbirdso Posts: 465 Member
    When you introduce exercise into a sedentary life-style, it is absolutely essential to get plenty of sleep. This is critical to weight loss. If you exercise, but don't take time to rest and recover, your body will hold on to those pounds by slowing your metabolism. So many MPF posters say they are eating right and exercising every day or even twice a day and the scale is not moving. I wonder if they are getting enough sleep?

    We all lead busy lives and it is hard squeeze in 'me' time, but sleep is as much an essential component of your weight loss as eating less and exercising. We all accept that we must fore go family time to go to the gym and spend more time thinking about eating habits, but the third MUST DO is convincing your body it can give up fat stores that are being depleted by burning more calories. Without the necessary sleep, your body will not cooperate.
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    I'm a former fittie (maybe 10 years ago) and don't remember it so much then, but when I started working out again this round I too noticed I was REALLY tired for the first few weeks. I mean I was so fatigued that I was going to bed at around 9pm. My husband was like what's up with you! LOL - But you adjust - in fact I have more energy now than I have had in a long long time.

    Be sure to listen to your body. If you feel tired, you should try your best to get extra sleep. That's how you regenerate! Good luck :flowerforyou:
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