Looking for input. Those of u that follow paleo, please tell me what books/program's u use & the same with the low carb. I only lose and feel better on low carb and only certain carbs but feel I'm not feeding my body well. All info is greatly appreciated. Thank you
I am considering the New Atkins low carb program as it has evolved to a more balanced approach with veg etc. I definitely am grain carb über sensitive. Is there an existing group or would anyone like to start/be a part of one? Looking for all who are positive about this program. No bashers please. Oh, just found an Atkins…
buy Chromium Picolinate or some other form of chromium. In most cases your sugar cravings will be greatly reduced or actually eliminated. I learned of this 12 years ago when I quit smoking. Quit the smokes but my body went into sugar cravings like crazy to the point I was going to start smoking again. A nurse told me to…
Anyone else dealing with this and how are you doing balancing little or no exercise and still losing weight. Also, anyone heard of a good adrenal diet?
Any other large to lose out there that want to dialogue, encourage and hold each other accountable?