I'm 41 years old, and like many of you, I have had a "Sisyphus" type relationship with my obesity. My parents weren't obese, so they didn't know how to address it when I was a teenager. I carved off a TON of weight in college in very unhealthy ways (running 2x a day, barely eating, lifting weights but so lightheaded that…
Posted in wrong place; moving to another part of forum (not sure how to delete completely?)
Hi - New to the site, old to the weight loss efforts. Lots of diets, some work, none stuck. Just read "The China Study" by Dr. T. Colin Campbell and have been inspired to make such a huge change based on his findings (kind of hard to argue with the facts in that puppy). Finally taking the dive into whole…
Forgot to mention in my "Newbie" post earlier: please add me! Big Daddy needs some virtual e-support!