what is everyone's favorite food/ biggest weakness? the one where once you start eating you just can't stop? for me its goldfish and cheez-its. i don't buy them at the store because once i get home i know i will scarf the whole box but i work at my gym's day care one day a week and they are always fully stocked. ahh! its…
has anyone that's tried either one of these have any feedback?
anyone else here loving their glass or two.. or three of wine a night? i know its full of empty calories but this is my guilty pleasure. i eat very healthy and work out daily and cant seem to shed these last 15/20 pounds. i know my red wine is the reason and so i am working very hard on cutting back. i was just wondering…
i am an avid gym goer, its the most practical for me because i can put my baby in the gyms day care for a couple of hours and get a really good work out in. except i feel like somethings always coming up for example: shes got a cold so i don't wanna bring her and spread the germs... or my husband needs my car and leaves me…