This may be silly. It might be downright obvious. But you need exercise to lose weight, and to keep from flabbiness. I've lost about 36 pounds thusfar, almost entirely via diet changes. I have reached a significant plateau, and I KNOW I have to start getting my butt moving and in gear - but I have such a hard time with it.…
Ladies, how do you wear your hair to exercise everyday? And I don't mean this in a fashion sense, I mean REALLY, how do you keep it out of your face and mouth? I sweat like a guilty suspect and hair winds up everywhere ponytail or clip, then stuck to my face, falls out and gets in my face while I'm trying to breath and not…
I have officially lost 10% of my (starting) body weight. This uses scale numbers, but is a grander scheme of things, and I'd be super curious to see what my labwork regarding PCOS looks like now. I don't have a way to know if I'm improving things on a hormonal level without blood numbers, but given I'll have to pay a solid…