This site has some great resources for exercise ideas, recipes and more. just enter the body part to target and what type of equipment. Check it out.
Hey I found this company that sells no calorie, not fat and sugar free foods such as pancake syrup, mayo, salad dressings, chocolate syrups, etc. Also, I found a coupn for buy 5 get 5 free and I used it! It works. Here's the website and the cooupn code. I have not received my food yet. I just ordered last night. webiste:…
OK. I got a question. Does anyone have any good healthy finger food ideas for a baby shower? My first Grandbaby is coming soon and I am given the shower. My oldest son. They are having a boy.
OK Fathers Day is tomorrow. my children wants to take dad (my hubby) to the park for a nice family fathers day picnic. We got beef hotdogs, hamburgers, chips and pop! I can't eat that stuff! Don't wanna mess up. What can I do??? HELP!
I am new to my fitness pal and so far after only a week, I think I like it. I wanna make sure I have some support out there somewhere! I am excited to be losing weight I feel so great, I've lost so far over 25lbs in 5 weeks, doing a low calorie diet and plenty of exercise. I want to lose about 35 (or more) more pounds to…