Does anyone here have anxiety issues? I have been working really hard to overcome a serious anxiety attack that I had last year. After I had this attack I quit smoking and stopped drinking red bulls and caffinated coffee with gobs of sugar. Surprisingly my weight shot up after quitting and then I got sick which became…
I have a coworker who keeps trying to pressure me into eating out and it's starting to really irritate me. He insists on asking me 20 million times if I'm sure that I don't want any and then tries to seal the deal with "I'll pay"..... UGGGH! Last week we had a manditory potluck meeting and so I brought the drinks which…
Have you ever been told "you have noisy pants today"; thought "if I walked any faster on this hot day I could catch my crotch on fire"; or need to wear nickers under your skirts because your legs rub together when you walk? I need a work out that I could apply to my inner thighs!! Please...