Finding Time
Hi Ladies, So my big dilemma...finding time to exercise. My kiddo is up between 5 and 530 each morning and i work full-time. He goes to bed by 7 pm so i know my workout window is between 7 and my bedtime (usually 9 or 10 as he still gets up once/twice a night). Do any of you have any tricks? Once the weather warms up i…
Wanting to lose baby weight plus a little more
Hi! I'm new to this site and looking for others with similar goals. I have an 8 month old and want to lose my baby weight plus some weight that i had before the baby... I'm finding that it was much easier to lose weight pre-baby since i had time to work out whenever i wanted. Now it's much harder to fit a good gym work out…
Hi, I'm new here! I recently had a baby after about a 30 lb weight loss - as i gained weight (60 lbs by the end) I kept telling myself that it would come right off after i had him - well not so much. I had grand ideas of working out hard core (once i was able to) and breastfeeding and pumping as much as possible to help…